Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Aesop (Winter)- Reading Diary A

I chose the Aesop (Winter) unit for this reading diary. This was my first time reading Aesop fables, and I loved it!

The first story in the Aesop (Winter) unit, “The Wolf and the Kid” really set the tone for the rest of the stories that followed. I loved how the moral of the story came from the perspective of the antagonist of the story. It seemed like it was a happy ending since the Kid was able to escape from his death by the Wolf. The story instead told you to not let anything deter you from your purpose. The Wolf would have killed the Kid if he didn’t get distracted. I was really surprised to find a story from the perspective. It is definitely refreshing to see it that way.

Two Goats” was another story that I immensely enjoyed. Goats are the perfect animal to personify stubbornness. I also liked how they were both equally stubborn and equally strong causing their stalemate on the middle of the log, which lead to their demise. This was the perfect way, in my opinion, to have a message about how being stubborn is not a good trait to have.

(The two goats clashing, from Aesop (Winter))

The Tortoise and the Ducks” might have been my favorite of all the stories. What I liked most about it was how literal the ducks were being when they told the tortoise to keep his mouth shut. It was perfect since it had two meaning to the warning. When he opened his mouth he would lose his grip and fall, but he opened his mouth to brag about being the king tortoise. It made the moral of the story seem that much more pertinent.

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