Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 1 UnTextbook

To start, the Adam and Eve stories will definitely be something that I read. I have always been interested with religious stories since they garner so many readers and are stories that people base their belief system around. The number of different ways that they are interpreted also fascinates me.

I also want to read all of the Aesop stories. I am honestly not very familiar with it, to my knowledge. I have always heard people say the name Aesop, but I have never been able to contribute.

Cherokee Myths will be another one that I have to read since I have Cherokee roots. I had the pleasure of being able to hear a few during my three semesters of Cherokee at OU. It will also help me brush up on my vocabulary.

Alice in Wonderland has been something that I have always wanted to read. I have loved the animated version of the story since I was a kid. It will be great to read more about all of those vibrantly colorful characters that I have in mind already.

(Mr. Rabbit running late for his very important date)

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