Friday, January 23, 2015

Aesop's Fables (Jacobs)-Extra Reading Diary

I chose to read Aesop’s Fables (Jacobs) for my extra reading diary this week.

One of my favorite stories from this unit was “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.” I loved how it showed how starkly different two cousins could live. A country mouse fits that mold of living a relaxed, humble life. He is content with his way of life. Then comes his cousin from the city who can not understand how the country mouse lives such a modest life. I loved how the city mouse made his life sound so appealing since he had fine food available to him at all times, but he was risking his life every time he went out for a meal. I also really enjoyed how the fable illustrated how a humble life can still be a happy life even if it appears boring to most.

Another story that I enjoyed was “The Fox and the Cat.” I really liked how the animals were polar opposites in their strategy for escaping a would-be predator. The cat sounded so plain and simple with only having one way of getting away. It sounds like she is destined to perish since she only has one method of getting to safety. It makes sense that she does not use any other method though since she her method has always saved her before. Why would she need to try anything else? It was also just a great message of sticking to what you know.

(Illustration by Walter Crane)
My favorite story was “The Dog and the Wolf.” What really stood out to me was how the Wolf was dying for sustenance, but he was not going to give up his freedom just to have regular meals and shelter. Nothing was worth more than him to his freedom. He would rather die of starvation than become a slave to anyone.

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