Sunday, January 25, 2015

Myth-Folklore Topic Brainstorming

Topic: Gods over Egypt
Comment: I have always loved watching movies about ancient Egyptian lore. Movies like The Mummy have always piqued my interest to find out more about some of the lore of the culture. I honestly do not think that I have read that many stories about their gods compared to other cultures. I also want to see how the pyramids can play into the tales.
Possible Stories: There are a plethora of stories to choose from in the Un-Textbook about Egyptian gods. Any of the ones with Ra in them will be the ones that I will try to focus on. I have heard his name a lot before, but I do not know much about him besides the fact that he is one of the most pivotal gods in their stories.
Sample Story Comments: The first story I found in the Un-Textbook was the perfect story to start with, "Creation." It is really interesting to read that Ra was not the creator, but he was more powerful than Nu, the being from which he was made. It is a very interesting concept.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Creation
Book Title: Egyptian Myth and Legend
Book Author: Donald Mackenzie
Year: 1907


Topic: The Great Monkey King
Comment: The Monkey King is a character that I have heard of in the past, but I know almost nothing about this character. I really want to learn more about him since he is such a popular character in Chinese folklore. I've heard the name in several movies I've watched, but I do not feel like they shed enough light on him.
Possible Stories: The Un-Textbook has a trove of stories all about the Monkey King! There are so many great stories to choose from there.
Sample Story Comments:  I never knew that the Monkey King's name was Sun Wu Kung. I really appreciated how there is a story explaining the origins of his name. I really liked how he had to go on a quest of sorts to get his name. It was not just given to him at birth.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Sun Wu Kung Gets His Name
Book Title: The Chinese Fairy Book
Book Author: Frederick H. Martens
Book Year: 1921

Topic: Tales from the Inuits
Comment: The Eskimos are a Native American group that I know relatively little about. I have had the pleasure of reading many stories from different tribes, but none of them have been that far north. I am really interested to see what their stories are about since it is a totally different climate for them.
Possible Stories: I found many different fairytales to choose from in the Un-Textbook. There are many stories with very rich names that I can not even begin to try to pronounce. I do like how their are a couple of stories that center around dogs. It is interesting to see that dogs are as important to their culture as movies portray.
Sample Story Comment: It was interesting to read about a Native American story that featured a whale as main character. I have always been used to reading about animals that you can find in the woods. I also liked how the Eagle incorporated animals like a Walrus or Narwhal in its hunt. It is an entirely different perspective using these animals that I have not seen used before in tales.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: The Eagle and the Whale 
Book Title: Eskimo Folk-Tales
Book Author: Knud Rasmussen
Book Year: 1921

Topic: Stealing from the rich to give to the poor
Comment: Robin Hood has been one of my favorite characters ever since I can remember. The animated movie was a staple in my household growing up. I am curious to see how many of Robin Hood's heroic deeds from the movie are in the Un-Textbook. I also love how his deeds bring up an ethical conundrum since he is technically a thief. It is also great to see that the stories are done in ballads as well.
Possible Stories: The Un-Textbook has a number of great stories to choose from about the prince of thieves. I like that Little John is featured in a number of them since I have always thought of thew pair as one of the best dynamic duos from any story.
Sample Story Comment: Reading about Robin Hood and Little John first meeting was great. It is great to see how the pair initially came together. The fact that they came to blows and were evenly matched makes it that much better. I also loved how they were able to form a friendship after realizing they were both skilled in fighting one another.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Robin Hood and Little John
Book Title: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads
Book Author: Francis James Child
Book Year: 1882-1898

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