Thursday, January 29, 2015

Extra Reading Diary- Homer's Iliad

I chose to read Homer's Iliad  for my extra reading diary. I've only ever read snippets from the Iliad, so it was great to be able to read the stories that were in-between what I have read before.

The Quarrel: This was one of my favorite stories since it clearly illustrated the tension between Achilles and King Agamemnon. I also like how Achilles is not even afraid to talk back to the king. He even went so bold as to say the Agamemnon took the lion's share when he just sits in his tent all day. My absolute favorite part is how a plague upon the livestock and men is caused by Apollo's arrows. I think this is a brilliant way of explaining a plague by attributing it to the gods. I also liked how it is shown early how much influence the gods have on the war; especially when Athena stops Achilles from drawing sword on Agamemnon without anyone else seeing. The amount of influence that gods have on Achilles is very interesting, in my opinion. I also found it very intriguing that Achilles was mad enough to tell his mother, Thetis, to beg Zeus for the Greeks to lose the war. 

(Athena stopping Achilles from drawing his sword)

What Thetis Did For Her Son: This story did a great job of illustrating the very complex relationship between Hera and Zeus. They have so much distaste between each other that Zeus even threatens to harm her for trying to meddle in his affairs too much. One of my favorite things from this story was the use of dreams. Zeus calling upon a dream and giving it instructions for misleading Agamemnon was great. I loved how Zeus was able to tell it what he wanted Agamemnon to see. It is such a clever way of deceit since Agamemnon would most likely take it as a vision from the gods that he was bound to sack Troy.

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