Thursday, February 5, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Khasi Folktales

I chose to read Khasi Folktales for my extra reading diary this week. It was a great read with very rich, and unique stories. I do not believe that I have ever read any Indian folktales before this week.

The Tiger and the Monkeys: I was excited to read about a story that featured a tiger in it. I had grown so accustom to reading about lions being the king in stories. The tiger seemed like such an interesting character. He was in his own universe at all times. His title being his downfall is such an interesting concept. He was too involved with himself to actually notice his subjects. The monkeys were also a very interesting opposition to have against the mighty tiger. None of them seemed bold or wise enough to plot well enough to defeat the tiger.They illustrated that a group is greater than one. It was also a really great way of explaining the brazen attitude that monkeys have towards tigers.


How the Dog Came to Live with Man: This was an incredible story, I loved everything about it. My absolute favorite part was where it explained why dogs can smell and track other animals. Saying that they stepped in such a smelly substance that it would stay with them forever was brilliant. The pig being explained did come as a bit of a surprise to me. It was very interesting to see the dog have such a negative light cast upon it. He tricked man into trusting him. The dog just seemed like such a bad character. I also really like how it made sense of why pigs eat slop and like it.

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