Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reading Diary B: Tales of a Parrot

I finished reading Tales of a Parrot, and it was a superb read! I am really thankful that this class exposes me to stories from other cultures that I would probably never know to read.

The Frog, the Bee, and the Bird: This was a grand story. I love how the parrot can talk about a story organically in all of his conversations. He has such a great way of relating stories and the lessons they teach to any interaction that he has. He makes it very relevant. This story brought so many interesting characters to light. My favorite was the general of the frog army. He had such a great plan that came from collaborating with all of the other animals. I also enjoyed the fact that all of the animals knew that they could not accomplish the feat of taking out a massive elephant by themselves. It was also great to see how all of the other animals were able to unite even though the Saweh was the only animal that had a grievance with the elephant in the story. I think this will be my writing story for the week since there is such a great cast of characters to incorporate into it.
(the elephant)

The Elk and the Ass: This was another great story from the wise parrot. I really enjoyed how there was a story within a story on this one. The Elk is able to tell a story that directly relates to the situation that they are in, but the ass is too stubborn to adhere to the sage advice of the elk. The moral of this story was also very interesting, in my opinion. It is different to read about circumstances when conformity are seen as the right thing to do, especially when all of the examples used are about devious acts to start with.

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