Monday, February 2, 2015

Tales of a Parrot - Reading Diary A

I chose to go with Tales of a Parrot for my reading this week. I thought it sounded like a very interesting series of stories since it is not an animal that I am used to reading stories about. I can not believe that I had never heard of these before; they were great. It really made me start to wonder what countries have never heard the stories I was taught growing up.

Khojisteh and the Parrot was a great story. There is one line that really stood out to me from the story, "The soul took flight from the body, and she expired." This was such a poetic way of describing death. I will definitely remember that phrase now. I really like how intriguing the parrot is. Everything the parrot says makes me want to know more about his back story and all of the lessons he has to teach. I also liked how he stayed calm and collect even when he was staring death down.

(Khojisteh and the Parrot)

The Old Lion and the Cat  was another story that really resonated with me. I love the descriptive words that helped paint the outline of the lion. It was easy to picture the lion with the large chunks of food still left in his teeth. It was also very interesting to have the mice become such a burden on the lion that he alone can not stop them from stealing the food from him. My favorite character from the story was the cat. The cat was so wise in the way it analyzed the situation. It was such a clever way of keeping a job by not fulfilling all of the duties of the job. The mice had to be around to keep the job. I am thinking about making the cat the focus of my story this week.

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