Monday, February 23, 2015

Reading Diary A: Nigerian Folktales

I chose to go with Nigerian Folktales for my reading diary this week. I loved how it incorporated animals that have not been used as much in the other areas that we have read about thus far. 

Why the Bat Flies by Night: This was a very unique cast for the story. The bat seemed like such an interesting character. He was cunning enough to cause the demise of the rat and get away from all of the would-be captors. He also was disciplined enough to stay away from coming out in the daylight when everyone searched. I have never thought of the bat in such a wise role before reading this. I think the bat could be a potential candidate for my storytelling post this week. I would really like to explore what happened after the story ended.


Why the Worms Live Underneath the Ground: This was another story that featured animals that I have never read about in folktales before. Worms are such a mysterious creature that I have never even thought about what kind of personalities they would have if they were in a story. I also found it interesting that they were the only animal to take offense to the boisterous words of the ants. I never would have expected them to have enough pride to try to combat the gigantic ant army. I really enjoyed how the ants were positioned to be exactly like an army taking the battlefield. Talking about their military process would be a fun idea for a storytelling post this week as well.

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