Thursday, February 26, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Tibetan Folk Tales

I chose to go with Tibetan Folk Tales for my extra reading diary this week. It was a very good read chock-full of vibrant stories from a rich culture. I would definitely recommend reading this to anyone that I know.

The Tiger and the Frog: This was a very interesting cast of characters with an even more unique outcome. I loved the brazen attitude of the frog in this story. He was not foolish since he realized how much danger he was in from the start with the tiger. He knew that he could not let the tiger see the fear in him. His boldness is definitely out-shined by his shear wit. He was able to think and adjust to any situation that presented itself to him. I also loved that he knew that he could talk to the tiger in the same way even though he returned with a companion. The frog had won the most important fight, the battle of wits.

(the tiger and frog)

How the Fox Fell a Victim to His Own Deceit: I really loved the characters and moral of the story. I still am unsure as to why the fox was not included in the speech by the dying mother tiger. It seems like he should have been included in that since he had been there longer than the calf. My favorite event in the story had to be when the calf had enough of the tension and confronted the tiger about wanting to kill him. I think that is the hidden moral of this story for sure. It shows that conflicts can be defused if you simply talk to the person. I think this moral is just as significant as the actual one of the story about never coming between friends.

1 comment:

  1. This week I read the Tibetan Folk Tales, except I got to read the entire unit. But I also really loved the characters and the morals of the stories in this unit. I agree that it was a very vibrant source of description and knowledge about this culture. I'm glad I got to read these stories and hear about battles of wit.
