Monday, March 2, 2015

Reading Review Week

I have honestly had the luck of liking all of the readings that I have done this semester. I think the key reason for that is how you explain what kind of story they are and give us numerous option to read something that caters to that. I personally have always loved reading/hearing about folktales through the perspective of animals, so I try to choose a story like that every week. The most memorable stories I read came from the Jamaica Anansi Stories. They were different than any kind of stories I have ever read before; especially with the unique trickster role that Anansi took. The main story that comes to mind is the "Sheep and Anansi Story." It took me multiple attempts at reading that story since they it was written in a dialect that I am not very familiar with, but it was well worth the extra effort. All of the Jamaica Anansi Stories had such rich content in them once I was able to decipher it all. I really enjoy how you give us so many reading options from different areas in every unit. I feel like I am able to learn a little more about all of these different cultures through their folktales. I honestly have no suggestions for improvement on the stories. 

File:Lundy sheep (head detail).JPG

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