Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Storytelling Week 10: The Conniving Coyote

I am tired of Iktomi thinking that he is the best trickster in the land. He thinks that he can underestimate me just because I am a coyote. That big oaf does not even know what funny is. He just walks around all day looking for potential targets to try his shenanigans on. There is too much nuance and subtlety in pulling off the proper prank, something Iktomi will never grasp.

Everywhere I go I hear the other animals talking about how Iktomi is the best trickster around. I have had it with all of this malarkey! I am going to settle this once and for all; I will orchestrate my own prank that will befuddle that nincompoop Iktomi to no end. I want him to know that I am the top dog in these parts. If I can orchestrate my prank perfectly, he will quit his hijinks completely; this will be a lesson for him.

This is going to take a lot of time and effort to cook up something great. Wait, that's it! I am going to get him when he is looking for his next meal. He is going to go to bed hungry and duped. This is going to sound dangerous, but I think I am going to use myself as bait for his supper. He meanders around every evening looking for an easy meal since he thinks hunting takes too much effort. I bet my bottom dollar that he will take me home to eat if I just play dead. Once he carries me all the way back to his shanty, I will make my move. I am going to wait for him to stoke the fire and get his cauldron ready for his big meal before I spring into action. He will be entirely too exhausted from all of that work to stand a chance in catching me. I might even kick some embers in his face before I dash off into the night. I can not wait to see that dumbfounded look on his face!

This is going to be my finest performance ever! I know exactly where he will be today too since he is so predictable. I am already waiting for him by the sage patch that he likes to visit. I might even catch-up on some of my beauty sleep while I wait for Iktomi to stumble upon me. I should probably nap out here in the open since he is not the brightest chap in these lands. I think I hear him coming now!

Author's Note: I decided to do this story from the first person perspective of the coyote. I wanted to show the thought process and resentment that he had for Iktomi in his own words. I also wanted to illustrate that he is only a trickster when he needs to be; he doesn't just do it for the sake of doing it.

This was based off the Sioux story Iktomi and the Coyote. In the original, it focuses on Iktomi finding the coyote playing dead and taking him back to eat him. The coyote comes to life once Iktomi throws him onto the fire. He kicks the embers into Iktomi's face and lets him know that you should never make a fire until you know your meal is dead. I modeled my story as being the precursor to the original story.

"Iktomi and the Coyote" by Zitkala-Sa, from Old Indian Legends (1901). Web Source: Un-Textbook


  1. Jamison!
    I enjoyed the first person narrative of your story. It is always nice to read a story from the secondary character’s point of view. I must say that I loved your use of the words “malarkey,” “befuddle,” and “nincompoop.” I laughed every time I came across one of those words. It was nice that you wanted to show a different side of Coyote. Good job.

  2. Your story is full of such unique vocabulary! Widening my vocabulary and writing in first person is something that I have tried to work on this semester. You have done a wonderful job of both of those here. The story made me wonder why Iktomi was so bad. What pranks had he pulled to deserve the coyote's reactions? It's always good to have questions at the end of a story. Good job!
