Monday, March 30, 2015

Reading Diary A: English Aesop

I decided to go with English Aesop for my reading diary this week since there are so many tales from it that I have never read before. It has a trove of great stories to featuring every type of character imaginable. I really am surprised that I had never read any of these before taking this class.

Foxes: I have always been a fan of the trickster character in every story. The fox is able to fit into that mold of the character that you love to hate. One of the fox stories in particular that stood out to me was the Fox and the Crow. I loved how it showed the smooth talking skills of the sly fox. It really showed how cunning he was since he could not physically get the cheese from the crow in the tree. He knew how to play the situation to get exactly what he wanted. I think I will probably write about the fox for my story since he is such a devious character.

Lions: The lion character has always been interesting to me since he is such a dominant character. The lion usually has an air of dominance about him since he is the king. I really like reading stories where the arrogance of the lion proves to be his downfall. In the Lion and the Goats, he automatically assumed that he could trick the goats into coming to him to graze. I loved how the goats just respectfully declined him and went on their way with eating; they were not even phased by that deceitful offer. 

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