Monday, March 2, 2015

Writing Review Week

I think the best writing strategy for my storytelling posts is to read each story with the storytelling assignment in the back of my mind. I take a closer look at each character while I am reading to see who has that quality that I am looking for. The reading diary selections help me to have some reference for my characters, so I am not having to completely start from scratch. I do love that I get to breathe new life into some of my favorite characters by adding my own twist on them. My favorite storytelling post has to be the one I wrote over Odysseus. I have always been enthralled by his character ever since I was introduced to him in school. He has such a unique complex about him that piques my interest. He is a resolute leader with glaring faults. He is able to face any consequences or repercussions, like taunting the cyclops after they were already set to sail. I have also been able to gain some valuable insight from other students with their comments. I have been able to tweak a few things because of it, which improves my writing as whole.
 Arnold Böcklin - Odysseus and Polyphemus.jpg

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