Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Commenting Review Week

I have definitely received some insightful comments in this class. The comments have helped me improve my writing technique as a whole. I am able to get little suggestions from different people on all of my posts. When I am commenting on other people's stories, I tend to look at the flow of the story. Smooth transitions between topics make a story perfect, in my opinion. Dialogue in a story is another pivotal thing to have in a story. The conversations need to seem like they are not forced. 


  1. I agree with you 100%, the comments have been very insightful. They are very helpful and definitely help to improve our writing. I am glad that the comments are helping you as well. Just like you, I try to focus on the flow of the story when I am making comments. I really enjoyed the picture that you chose. It seems to fit the comment theme perfectly.

  2. Jamison. I agree with your comment completely. The comments are very helpful to both the writer and the student making the comments. The comments also kind of bring the class together. I also try to focus at the flow of the person's story when making the comments. It helps a lot if the story has great transitions.
