Monday, March 9, 2015

Reading Diary A: Myths of Cherokee

I was really excited to see that we were on Native American stories this week! It is crazy to think how these stories have been around us for so long but are still unknown by most people. I decided to go with Myths of Cherokee for my reading since that is my tribe.

Tobacco and Strawberries: This was a really interesting story to read. I have never seen tobacco portrayed in such an important light before this. I think I am too used to seeing all of the adverse effects that tobacco has to ever think of it like that. It was also really interesting to see how they wanted to use it to cure the old woman before she died of not having it. This might be the most interesting story that I have read all semester just for that reason. It was great to see how the small, nimble hummingbird was able to save the day. That was especially great since everyone doubted him because of his size.

How the Rabbit Stole the Otter's Coat: I really loved reading this story from beginning to end! I loved how the animals having fur coats was kind of like a fashion battle between them all. They all have unique accents that make their coat their own and original. I had never thought about how this could be a fashion statement amongst animals before. I definitely did not see the explanation of why the rabbit doesn't have a full tail before this. I am definitely interested in writing about the trickster rabbit for my storytelling post this week.

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