Thursday, March 26, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: British N. America (Judson)

I decided to go with British N. America (Judson) for my extra reading diary this week. This unit piqued my interests since I have never read about Native American tribes from Canada before this week. I instinctively think of tribes that would be in the United States instead of all of North America. These stories were very unique and interesting!

Grizzly Bear and Coyote: I do have to admit that I did not expect this to be the story that explains day and night from its title. I loved the balance that the Grizzly Bear and Coyote had in this story. They were the perfect counterpart to one another throughout the story. I especially liked how they had a stalemate after they tried to out dance/sing one another until they were exhausted; they were both equally passionate about their cause. One of my favorite elements from this was how they used tail feathers to determine the number of moons and the number of months; this was such a unique way of explaining the numbers behind it. I really enjoyed this story!

Why the Sun is Bright: The explanation for this was nothing that I could have had in mind before reading this. Portraying the Sun's brightness as being attributed towards his robe was very interesting. I really liked how he had to trade his goat skin robe to the boy to obtain his bright robe. It makes me wonder if the robe was as vibrant on him when he wore it. 

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