Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 1 Introduction: The life and times of Jamison


To start, my name is Jamison and I am an advertising senior with a minor in business. I grew up in a small town just south of Norman called Purcell. By small, I mean I graduated with 72 people and you can count the stoplights on two hands. If we ever wanted to do anything on the weekends we had to come to Norman to do so.

From a young age I knew I would go to OU. I’ve been watching the Sooners play since I was in diapers. Actually, one of my first memories is of me watching Bedlam with my dad in the early ‘90s. So I’ve always known that I would end up here.

In my free time I like to watch copious amounts of shows on Netflix with my friends. We are currently watching Trailer Park Boys for the third time. With the rest of my spare time I enjoying lifting weights, reading and playing tennis. I’m not the great at the latter. I also enjoy listening to music during most of my activities. As of lately I have become obsessed with The Rolling Stones. They never cease to amaze me the more I listen to them. They have become my favorite band of all time. I also strongly believe that they are the far superior band to the Beatles. I have actually even started to read books on the feud between the two bands. The Stones were much more about being a band and just creating music.

I currently work at OU Student Media as the Advertising Manager. My job takes up a majority of my time that I’m not in class. I love my job. I get to work with so many people and see all of the fruits of my labor every day when I read the Daily Oklahoman. It is a very gratifying feeling. It’s also a very gratifying feeling seeing the people I have hired and trained make sales and become successful at what they are doing. I understand a lot more now about what I think teachers feel when they have students succeed.

(Taking a selfie at Harry Potter World)


  1. Hey Jamison! I'm so glad you mentioned you are from Purcell. I'm a journalism major and had an internship at the Purcell Register last spring and totally understand where you're coming from when you say you can count the stoplights on two hands. It's a super small town but full of great people and I learned a lot there. I'm guessing you spend much of your time in Gaylord being an advertising major and so do I. It's practically my second home. I work too so I understand how that takes up so much time in your day. P.S. cool selfie.

  2. Hey Jamison! Glad that we are taking a class together again! I always think it's so interesting to hear about people who grew up living near Norman and experiencing the Sooner games from a young age--that's so cool! It seems we spend out spare time similarly; I also enjoy watching copious amounts of Netflix, although I have never seen Trailer Park Boys. Congrats on being the advertising manager at OU Student Media! That's so great! Also, loving the selfie at Harry Potter World. I get to go there during Spring Break and I'm excited!

  3. That is so cool that you have landed such a great job while you are in school, Jamison! I had a really similar experience in college, being part of a really cool group at Berkeley that created new classes facilitated by students, filling gaps in the curriculum of the school (I was co-director of the program back in 1985-1986)... and, even better, that program is still going on, 30 years later! Freaky, huh? But it is: DECal: History (Democratic Education at Cal). So maybe 30 years from now you'll be able to look at the Daily and feel connected and proud then too... I know that's how I feel when I check and see that DECal is still going strong! :-)

  4. Jamison: I've been to Purcell! If I'm correct, it's the town with the heart painted on the water tower? By the way, I'm from a relatively small town (Ada), but I think I need more than two hands to count the stoplights there. Anyhow, it's cool that you play tennis; although you profess to be unskilled at it, I can assure you that I am worse. I generally end up hitting the ball completely off the court and into the parking lot!

  5. Hey Jamison! Your job sounds really neat and it's great that you're able to do something that you really love. I totally understand work taking up a lot of time. That's why I'm really glad to have the option of taking online classes. Like you I've always wanted to go to OU. I'm a 3rd generation student here with my grandmother and both my parents having gone here as well. I hope you have a really great semester!

  6. Very interesting job choice! What made you motivated to become involved in media? Does it relate to what you said? The "very gratifying feeling" of seeing your work out in the world. In any case, that is so cool! Do you see yourself continuing down this path into the future?

    How was it like growing up in Purcell? It must have been a sort of "everybody knows everybody" situation, right? It must have been nice to know where your educational future was going to be. Not a lot of people have that certainty!

  7. First of all, I am SUPER jealous of your Harry Potter World selfie! I am dying to go and am currently trying to convince my parents to take me as a graduation gift. Like you, I too enjoy watching an excessive amount of Netflix with my friends. I haven’t watched The Trailer Park Boys yet but, I have a couple of friends who have and they said that it is hilarious.
    You are not alone in your love for The Rolling Stones! They’re a great band who creates some awesome stuff!

  8. Hey Jamison!

    It surprises me that you only graduated with only 72 people. I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma and when to Jenks High School. It's not the biggest school in Tulsa but it is pretty, big. I graduated with about 800 people. I cannot imagine myself graduating with only 72 people.

    Like you, I really enjoying watching netflix. Some of my favorite shows are House of Cards, True Detective, and Sherlock. Have you seen any of these?

  9. Hey Jamison. I think that your major sounds really interesting. I don't think I could ever work in advertisement. I am just not creative enough. I don't think I would be able to convince anyone to do much of anything. I also love watching netflix. I have to monitor myself if I am watching a series because I will seriously watch it for hours.

  10. Hey Jamison! Congrats on finding such a fun and exciting job while in college! I can't image how great it must feel to be able to already love what you're doing while going to school for something you love as well. Not being from Oklahoma, I (surprisingly) actually know where Purcell is, and I know some people that went there. Small world! Best of luck to you the rest of this semester, and hope you continue to excel in the advertising world! By the way, as everyone else has mentioned, awesome selfie! I would LOVE to check out Harry Potter World!

  11. Jamison- I’ve been to Purcell. One thing they do have is great catfish. I love going to Sonny’s Friday nights for all you can eat catfish or Rodney’s for some delicious cheesy bread. Ironically, I leave Norman to go to Purcell sometimes :)
    I do like the Rolling Stones but I don’t know that I like them better than the Beatles. To be honest I just think they’re different styles and the Beatles is more of my style.

  12. It's funny to read about the Rolling Stones/Beatles debate. I'm watching the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary and Keith Richards (I think...) introduced Paul McCartney. I had no idea there was a debate. So I'm glad I read your blog. The introduction makes a lot more sense now. Marketing sounds like fun! A friend of mine from high school studied marketing and now has her dream job. Good luck!

  13. Hey Jamison, it sounds like advertising would be a really interesting major, but I'm basing my entire knowledge of advertising off of Mad Men, so grain of salt... I didn't know that there was such a feud between the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. I personally like the Rolling Stones better, too, but I'll have to read more about their feud.

  14. Just like you, I grew up watching the Sooners and coming to games from ever since I can remember so going to OU was just something I had always known I'd do. The fact that you have such a cool job while you are still attending school is awesome. It's always good to see the fruits of your labor and it seems like you get to see them quite often!

  15. Hi Jamison, It is nice to meet you. I am from Oklahoma city, so I know exactly where Purcell is. I was unaware that so many people from Purcell come to Norman to do things. That is very interesting but makes perfect sense. I am similar to you because I also love Netflix. What college student does not? I enjoyed reading your introduction and good luck this semester.

  16. Hey Jamison. That is cool that you are from Purcell. So you didn't go far for school at all haha. It is great that you always wanted to go to OU and ended up doing it. Congrats on the job with OU Student Media. Hopefully that experience can open doors for the future.

  17. Hi Jamison,

    I am also an advertising major. I think we have had a few classes together at some point over the years. I also watch a lot of Netflix and enjoy playing tennis. I used to play a lot in high school, but haven't really made time for it recently. The Rolling Stones are a pretty awesome band, but I'm not sure I agree that they are better than The Beatles. I'd say I kind of put them in the same category and level. I haven't looked into their feud, but maybe I'll check that out. Good luck with the rest of the semester.

  18. Hello, Jamison! I'm surprised to find someone in the class whose introduction I haven't commented on yet. It's really cool that you're already working in the field that you want to go into. I also love to binge watch shows on Netflix. I think I'm on my third or fourth time through with Doctor Who. It’s so cool that you’ve been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! I really want to go there some day. I hope your semester is going well!

  19. Hey Jamison! I am also an advertising senior, and I think you are in my roommate and friend Shelby Rodriguez's campaign group. I took that class last semester, and I feel your pain. I am also an avid Neflix watcher, I am currently binging on Frasier, a classic American sitcom. It is so very early 1990's. I really want to go to Harry Potter World, so I'm pretty jealous of your selfie.

  20. Hey Jamison. I grew up in Oklahoma also, but in a little different environment- I graduated with 1000 people in my class. And I knew I wanted to go to the University of Oklahoma too, and it was actually the only school that I applied to. I also really like listening to the Rolling Stones. My dad would always listen to their music when I was young, so I guess it just rubbed off on me.
